Source code for opencensus_ext_newrelic.stats

# Copyright 2019 New Relic, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

import calendar
from opencensus.stats import stats
from opencensus.metrics import transport
from opencensus.stats import aggregation
from newrelic_telemetry_sdk import (

import logging

    from opencensus_ext_newrelic.version import version as __version__
except ImportError:  # pragma: no cover
    __version__ = "unknown"  # pragma: no cover

_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
COUNT_AGGREGATION_TYPES = {aggregation.CountAggregation, aggregation.SumAggregation}

[docs]class NewRelicStatsExporter(object): """Export Metric data to the New Relic platform This class is responsible for marshalling metric data to the New Relic platform. :param insert_key: Insights insert key :type insert_key: str :param interval: (optional) Metrics will be sent every ``interval`` seconds. Default is 5 seconds. :type interval: int or float :param host: (optional) Override the host for the API endpoint. :type host: str :param port: (optional) Override the port for the API endpoint. :type port: int Usage:: >>> import os >>> from opencensus_ext_newrelic import NewRelicStatsExporter >>> insert_key = os.environ.get("NEW_RELIC_INSERT_KEY") >>> stats_exporter = NewRelicStatsExporter( ... insert_key, service_name="My Service") >>> stats_exporter.stop() """ def __init__(self, insert_key, service_name, interval=5, host=None, port=443): client = self.client = MetricClient(insert_key=insert_key, host=host, port=port) client.add_version_info("NewRelic-OpenCensus-Exporter", __version__) self.views = {} self.merged_values = {} # Register an exporter thread for this exporter thread = self._thread = transport.get_exporter_thread( [stats.stats], self, interval=interval ) self.interval = thread.interval self._common = { "": self.interval * 1000, "attributes": {"": service_name}, }
[docs] def on_register_view(self, view): """Called when a view is registered with the view manager :param view: View object to register :type view: :class:`opencensus.stats.view.View` """ if self.views is not None: self.views[] = view
[docs] def export_metrics(self, metrics): """Immediately send all metric data to the monitoring backend. :param metrics: list of Metric objects to send to the monitoring backend :type metrics: :class:`opencensus.metrics.export.metric.Metric` """ nr_metrics = [] for metric in metrics: descriptor = metric.descriptor name = view = self.views[name] measure_name = measure_unit = view.measure.unit aggregation_type = view.aggregation tags = {"": measure_name, "measure.unit": measure_unit} for timeseries in metric.time_series: value = timeseries.points[0].value if hasattr(value, "value"): value = value.value elif hasattr(value, "count") and hasattr(value, "sum"): value = {"count": value.count, "sum": value.sum} else: _logger.warning( "Unable to send metric %s with value: %s", name, value ) break timestamp = timeseries.points[0].timestamp time_tuple = timestamp.utctimetuple() epoch_time_secs = calendar.timegm(time_tuple) epoch_time_mus = epoch_time_secs * 1e6 + timestamp.microsecond end_time_ms = epoch_time_mus // 1000 labels = ( (k, l.value) for k, l in zip(view.columns, timeseries.label_values) ) _tags = tags.copy() _tags.update(labels) if isinstance(value, dict): identity = MetricBatch.create_identity(name, _tags, "summary") # compute a delta count based on the previous value. if one # does not exist, report the raw count value. if identity in self.merged_values: last = self.merged_values[identity] delta_count = value["count"] - last["count"] delta_sum = value["sum"] - last["sum"] else: delta_count = value["count"] delta_sum = value["sum"] self.merged_values[identity] = value nr_metric = SummaryMetric( name=name, count=delta_count, sum=delta_sum, min=None, max=None, tags=_tags, end_time_ms=end_time_ms, interval_ms=None, ) elif type(aggregation_type) in COUNT_AGGREGATION_TYPES: identity = MetricBatch.create_identity(name, _tags, "count") # Compute a delta count based on the previous value. If one # does not exist, report the raw count value. delta = value - self.merged_values.get(identity, 0) self.merged_values[identity] = value value = delta nr_metric = CountMetric( name=name, value=value, tags=_tags, end_time_ms=end_time_ms, interval_ms=None, ) else: nr_metric = GaugeMetric( name=name, value=value, tags=_tags, end_time_ms=end_time_ms ) nr_metrics.append(nr_metric) # Do not send an empty metrics payload if not nr_metrics: return try: response = self.client.send_batch(nr_metrics, common=self._common) except Exception: _logger.exception("New Relic send_metrics failed with an exception.") return if not response.ok: _logger.error( "New Relic send_metrics failed with status code: %r", response.status ) return response
[docs] def stop(self): """Terminate the exporter background thread""" thread = self._thread stop = getattr(thread, "stop", None) or getattr(thread, "cancel") stop() # Send all pending metrics thread.function(*thread.args, **thread.kwargs) # Clear all internal state self._thread = self.client = self.views = self.count_values = None