Intro to Web Framework Instrumentation


Instrumentation Basics


This tutorial goes over basic concepts of using the WebFramework instrumentation API. In order to demonstrate the topics, we will use a hypothetical web framework that has similar concepts to popular web frameworks such as Express or Restify.

Here is an example of how the web framework would be used in a user's code:

const myWebFramework = require('my-web-framework')
const authenticate = require('./lib/authenticate')

// create server
let server = new myWebFramework.Server()

server.all(function authenticateMiddleware(req, res, next) {
  if (authenticate()) {
  } else {
    res.statusCode = 403

server.get('/api/users', function(req, res) {

server.get('/home', function(req, res) {
  this.render('home', function(err, renderedView) {


In this example, the web application server is serving two endpoints. Endpoint /api/users returns a list of users as JSON data. The second endpoint /home renders and returns an HTML view. It also has an authentication middleware that is executed for any type of request.

The Instrumentation Function

To add instrumentation to a web framework, you supply a single function which is responsible for telling New Relic which framework methods should be instrumented and what metrics and data to collect. The agent calls this instrumentation function automatically when the web framework module is required in the user's code. The function must be registered with the agent by calling API#instrumentWebframework.

const newrelic = require('newrelic')
newrelic.instrumentWebframework('my-web-framework', instrumentMyWebFramework)

The instrumentation function can be included in the application code itself or it can live in a separate instrumentation module. In either case, we need to register it in our application code in order for the agent to use it.

The instrumentation function has the following signature:

function instrumentMyWebFramework(shim, myModule, moduleName) {

It receives a WebFrameworkShim, the module to instrument and the name of the package.

For more details, see Instrumentation Basics.

Specifying the Framework

The first thing the instrumentation should do is specify the name of the framework it is instrumenting. The value is used as a part of metric names and transaction event attributes. It is also displayed in the Environment view.


[transaction breakdown]

What to Record

Web framework instrumentation will generally be responsible for the following:

  • naming the transaction
  • recording metrics for middleware functions
  • recording metrics for rendering views
  • reporting errors that are handled by the web framework

Transaction Naming

A single transaction represents all activity that is tied to a single HTTP request from the time it is received until the app server sends a response back. In order to see meaningful metrics for similar transactions (e.g. ones that hit the same URL endpoint), the instrumentation needs to determine and assign a name for each transaction.

The Node agent names transactions using the HTTP verb and the request URI. The verb is automatically determined from the HTTP request. However, the URI must typically be normalized in order to group related transactions in a meaningful way. For more details, see Metric grouping issues.

The API provides a basic function for setting the URI to use for naming - WebFrameworkShim#setTransactionUri. This would be sufficient for a very basic use case when the URI can be determined in a single point in the instrumentation code.

However, many common web frameworks route each request through many functions, which may contribute to the final name. In order to help with the common use case of nested middlewares, the API provides a mechanism for naming transactions based on paths that middleware functions are mounted on.


Many frameworks have a concept of middlewares. Middleware is a function that is executed in response to a request for a specific URL endpoint. Middleware can either respond to the HTTP request or pass control to another middleware.

Since there can be many middlewares executed for a single request, it is useful to know how much time is spent in each middleware when troubleshooting performance.

[transaction breakdown]

There are two API functions related to middleware - WebFrameworkShim#recordMiddleware and WebFrameworkShim#wrapMiddlewareMounter. Based on our web app code, we would expect to record a middleware metric for the authentication middleware, and also for the endpoint middleware that responds to a specific request. Here is what the instrumenation would look like:

let Server = myWebFramework.Server

shim.wrapMiddlewareMounter(Server.prototype, ['all', 'get'], {
  route: shim.FIRST,
  wrapper: function wrapMiddleware(shim, fn, name, route) {
    return shim.recordMiddleware(fn, {
      route: route,
      type: shim.MIDDLEWARE,
      req: shim.FIRST,
      res: shim.SECOND,
      next: shim.THIRD

In order to record the correct middleware metrics, middleware functions should be wrapped using the WebFrameworkShim#recordMiddleware API method.

Note that middleware functions may not be exposed directly on the framework. So in order to get access to the middleware function so you can call recordMiddleware, you may need to wrap the framework method that is used to register the middleware.

A common pattern is a function that takes a path and one or more middleware functions. For example, Express has routing methods such as get, post, put, and use. The Restify framework has a similar pattern. In our example framework, we use the get and all methods the same way.

Since this is a common pattern, our API provides method WebFrameworkShim#wrapMiddlewareMounter to make it easier to wrap middlewares in this particular case. In cases where the framework has a different mechanism for registering middlewares, the instrumentation would need to fallback to basic wrapping (Shim#wrap) in order to get to the place where middleware functions can be intercepted. For an example of instrumentation that does not use WebFrameworkShim#wrapMiddlewareMounter, see our built-in Hapi instrumentation.

Going back to our instrumentation example... We will use the WebFrameworkShim#wrapMiddlewareMounter method to wrap all and get. The third argument in that call is the spec where we tell the instrumentation which argument is the route path, and what to do with all other arguments that represent the middleware functions. The instrumentation will call the wrapper function for each middleware function, and here we need to wrap the original function and return the wrapped version of it.

This is where WebFrameworkShim#recordMiddleware comes in. It takes the original middleware function as the first argument, and a spec describing the middleware function signature. The req, res, and next parameters tell the instrumentation which arguments are which. The route and type arguments are used for correctly naming the middleware metrics.

The following types are allowed:

| type | description | generated metric | trace segment | | --- | --- | --- | | MIDDLEWARE | Represents a generic middleware function. This could be a function that is executed for all types of requests (e.g. authentication), or a responder function associated (mounted) with a specific URL path. | Nodejs/Middleware/<framework>/<function name>/<mounted path> | Middleware: <function name> <mounted path>

Note: If the middleware is nested under a ROUTE middleware, the path is omitted (since it's displayed in the ROUTE segment name). | | ERRORWARE | Used for recording middlewares that are used for handling errors. | Nodejs/Middleware/<framework>/<function name>/<mounted path>

Note: The mounted path will reflect the path that was current when the error occurred. If the error handler itself is not mounted on a path, its path is appended to the originating path. | Middleware: <function name> <mounted path> | | PARAMWARE | This is a special type of middleware used for extracting parameters from URLs. | Nodejs/Middleware/<framework>/<function name>//[param handler :<param name>] | Middleware: <function name> /[param handler :<param name>] | | ROUTE | Used for grouping multiple middleware functions under a single route path. | no metric | Route Path: <mounted path> | | ROUTER | Used to create a trace segment for a router object that is mounted on a path. | no metric | Router: <mounted path> | | APPLICATION | Used for application object that is mounted as a router. This is a concept in Express, and typically will not be used in other framework instrumenations. | no metric | Mounted App: <mounted path> |


Web frameworks will often provide mechanisms for rendering views from templates. Rendering views can be time consuming, and therefore New Relic can collect and display a specific metric (View/<view name>/Rendering) related to this. In order to capture these metrics, use the WebFrameworkShim#recordRender API method.

Let's assume that the Server object in our custom web framework has a render function that takes the name of the view and a callback. The callback returns the generated content. In order to record this work as the View metric, we will do the following in our instrumentation:

let Server = myWebFramework.Server

shim.recordRender(Server.prototype, 'render', {
  view: shim.FIRST,
  callback: shim.LAST

[view segment]

Note that in some cases (e.g. in Express) the render function may be directly on the req object and may be invoked without accepting a callback. In this case calling the render function could be ending the HTTP response itself. In such a case, in order to capture correct timing for the render function, additional instrumentation would be needed based on how the web framework is implemented.


Web frameworks will typically capture errors generated from middlewares (either uncaught or provided by the user, e.g. by calling next(error) in Express) and respond with a HTTP 500 error. If these errors are not handled by the user (e.g. using an errorware function), then it is more useful to report the original errors instead of a generic HTTP 500). The API provides the WebFrameworkShim#noticeError method for reporting errors to New Relic.

Let's assume that our web framework emits an event everytime an error occurs. We can listen on this event, and call WebFrameworkShim#noticeError.

server.on('error', function(req, error) {
  shim.noticeError(req, error)

Now let's assume that at a later point, the web framework calls a middleware where the user handles the error themselves. In this case, the error should no longer be reported. We can use the WebFrameworkShim#errorHandled function to remove the error:

shim.errorHandled(req, error)


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