#include <float.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include "common.h"
#include "libnewrelic.h"
int main(void) {
newrelic_app_t* app = 0;
newrelic_txn_t* txn = 0;
newrelic_app_config_t* config = 0;
char* app_name = get_app_name();
if (NULL == app_name)
return -1;
char* license_key = get_license_key();
if (NULL == license_key)
return -1;
config = newrelic_create_app_config(app_name, license_key);
/* Change the transaction tracer threshold to ensure a trace is generated */
/* Wait up to 10 seconds for the SDK to connect to the daemon */
app = newrelic_create_app(config, 10000);
/* Start a web transaction */
/* Create a collection of datastore parameters */
.collection = "My_collection",
.operation = "select",
.host = "Instance",
.port_path_or_id = "01",
= "SELECT * FROM My_collection WHERE medical_patient is 'Foo Bar' "};
/* Fake a datastore request by sleeping for two seconds. In a more typical
* instrumentation scenario the start() and stop() calls for the datastore
* segment would be before and after code performing an SELECT operation,
* for example. */
newrelic_end_segment(txn, &segment);
/* End web transaction */
return 0;
newrelic_transaction_tracer_threshold_t threshold
Whether to consider transactions for trace generation based on the apdex configuration or a specific ...
Definition: libnewrelic.h:209
struct _newrelic_txn_t newrelic_txn_t
A New Relic transaction.
Definition: libnewrelic.h:106
Definition: libnewrelic.h:191
newrelic_txn_t * newrelic_start_web_transaction(newrelic_app_t *app, const char *name)
Start a web based transaction.
Configuration used to describe application name, license key, as well as optional transaction tracer ...
Definition: libnewrelic.h:347
struct _nr_app_and_info_t newrelic_app_t
A New Relic application. Once an application configuration is created with newrelic_create_app_config...
Definition: libnewrelic.h:95
bool newrelic_end_segment(newrelic_txn_t *transaction, newrelic_segment_t **segment_ptr)
Record the completion of a segment in a transaction.
newrelic_transaction_tracer_config_t transaction_tracer
Optional. The transaction tracer configuration.
Definition: libnewrelic.h:390
newrelic_app_config_t * newrelic_create_app_config(const char *app_name, const char *license_key)
Create a populated application configuration.
newrelic_segment_t * newrelic_start_datastore_segment(newrelic_txn_t *transaction, const newrelic_datastore_segment_params_t *params)
Record the start of a datastore segment in a transaction.
newrelic_app_t * newrelic_create_app(const newrelic_app_config_t *config, unsigned short timeout_ms)
Create an application.
char * product
Specifies the datastore type, e.g., "MySQL", to indicate that the segment represents a query against ...
Definition: libnewrelic.h:445
newrelic_time_us_t duration_us
If the SDK configuration threshold is set to NEWRELIC_THRESHOLD_IS_OVER_DURATION, this field specifie...
Definition: libnewrelic.h:218
Segment configuration used to instrument calls to databases and object stores.
Definition: libnewrelic.h:425
bool newrelic_destroy_app_config(newrelic_app_config_t **config)
Destroy the application configuration.
struct _newrelic_segment_t newrelic_segment_t
A segment within a transaction.
Definition: libnewrelic.h:840
bool newrelic_end_transaction(newrelic_txn_t **transaction_ptr)
End a transaction.
This is the New Relic C SDK! If your application does not use other New Relic APM agent languages,...
Generated on Wed Jan 8 2020 01:11:45 for New Relic C SDK by