Package com.newrelic.api.agent
Annotation Type TraceByReturnType
@Documented @Target(TYPE) @Retention(RUNTIME) public @interface TraceByReturnType
A class annotated with TraceByReturnType will cause the New Relic agent to annotate methods with a return type matching Classes specified intraceReturnTypes()
with a @{link com.newrelic.api.agent.Trace} annotation.
Optional Element Summary
Optional Elements Modifier and Type Optional Element Description java.lang.Class[]
Specifies return types of methods that should be annotated withtraceReturnTypes()
Type parameters for Generic Types are ignored.
Element Detail
java.lang.Class[] traceReturnTypes
Specifies return types of methods that should be annotated withtraceReturnTypes()
Type parameters for Generic Types are ignored. e.g. List.class will match methods returning Listand List - Default:
- {}