Transaction State Preservation


This tutorial goes over an example instrumentation of a library that loses transaction state, and some of the difficulties associated with doing so. The sample instrumentation will be generic-pool.

Here is the full code for this instrumentation, which will be broken down in more detail below:

module.exports = function initialize(agent, generic, moduleName, shim) {
  var proto = generic && generic.Pool && generic.Pool.prototype

  function wrapPool(pool)
    shim.wrap(pool, 'acquire', function wrapAcquire(shim, original, name, callback) {
      return function wrappedAcquire(callback, priority) {
        return, shim.bindSegment(callback), priority)

  if (proto && proto.acquire) {
  } else {
    shim.wrapReturn(generic, 'Pool', function wrapPooler(shim, original, name, pooler) {


We would like to time the execution of all code that was caused by a certain event. This package of associated timings is called a transaction, and an http request is the typical event that caused it. This can be difficult since Node executes javascript in an asynchronous fashion, leading to potentially disparate call stacks.

When javascript is executed by Node, more code can be queued in libuv or v8 to execute asynchronously through functions like setTimeout. These asynchronous functions will delay execution of their callbacks until some point in the future, and upon execution there will be no context data stored about the origin of the callback. These asynchronous boundaries pose an issue when trying to associate where a particular piece of code was queued.

As of writing this, there are no general solutions to carrying state over these asynchronous boundaries. Domains were an attempt at this, but have since been deprecated. This is one of the important roles of instrumentation. Even if generating timing information for a certain module isn't desired, it may be necessary to create instrumentation for it to maintain transaction state over an asynchronous boundary introduced in the module.

There are two major symptoms of uninstrumented asynchronous methods: complete transaction state loss and confounded transactions. Completely losing transaction state typically manifests in lost data and is most commonly caused by calls into asynchronous native code that the agent is unaware of. Conflated transactions can lead to one transaction's data ending up on another, effectively making the data untrustworthy and useless.

The way we treat both situations is the same: when the asynchronous function is invoked, wrap the callback in a closure that will restore context before executing the original reentry code.

Generic Pool Breakdown

The generic-pool module exports a constructor it uses for its job pooling. In order to follow execution in the pool, we need to use Shim#bindSegment on the acquire method. As of v2 of the library this method is placed on the prototype of the constructor, wrapping this as so will suffice:

module.exports = function initialize(agent, generic, moduleName, shim) {
  var proto = generic && generic.Pool && generic.Pool.prototype

  function wrapPool(pool)
    shim.wrap(pool, 'acquire', function wrapAcquire(shim, original, name, callback) {
      return function wrappedAcquire(callback, priority) {
        return, shim.bindSegment(callback), priority)


However, in v1 of the module, there is no prototype on this constructor, and we must wrap acquire on the constructed object using Shim#wrapReturn as so:

module.exports = function initialize(agent, generic, moduleName, shim) {
  function wrapPool(pool)
    shim.wrap(pool, 'acquire', function wrapAcquire(shim, original, name, callback) {
      return function wrappedAcquire(callback, priority) {
        return, shim.bindSegment(callback), priority)

  shim.wrapReturn(generic, 'Pool', function wrapPooler(shim, original, name, pooler) {

In order to handle both cases, we will check for acquire on the prototype and wrap on that before defaulting to wrapping the return value of the constructor:

module.exports = function initialize(agent, generic, moduleName, shim) {
  var proto = generic && generic.Pool && generic.Pool.prototype

  function wrapPool(pool)
    shim.wrap(pool, 'acquire', function wrapAcquire(shim, original, name, callback) {
      return function wrappedAcquire(callback, priority) {
        return, shim.bindSegment(callback), priority)

  if (proto && proto.acquire) {
  } else {
    shim.wrapReturn(generic, 'Pool', function wrapPooler(shim, original, name, pooler) {

Note we don't write instrumentation for v3 of the library, since it is promise based and state should be preserved by our promise instrumentation.

Toy example

In order to fully illustrate the process let's instrument a homemade work queuing system. Consider the following code which queues functions and executes them in batches every second:

'use strict'

function Queue() { = []

function run(jobs) {
  while (jobs.length) {

Queue.prototype.scheduleJob = function scheduleJob(job) {
  var queue = this
  process.nextTick(function() {
    if ( === 0) {
      setTimeout(run, 1000,

module.exports = Queue

With example code that uses it:

var Queue = require('jobQueue')
var queue = new Queue()

queue.scheduleJob(function() {
  console.log('this prints first')

var i = 0
queue.scheduleJob(function counter() {

In order to properly instrument this system, we'd like to call Shim#bindSegment on the job functions on their way into the system. To prove that the instrumentation is broken, let's modify the example to illustrate the undesired behavior.

var nr = require('newrelic')

var Queue = require('jobQueue')
var queue = new Queue()

nr.startBackgroundTransaction('firstTransaction', function first() {
  var transaction = nr.getTransaction()
  queue.scheduleJob(function firstJob() {
    // Do some work

nr.startBackgroundTransaction('secondTransaction', function second() {
  var transaction = nr.getTransaction()
  queue.scheduleJob(function secondJob() {
    // Do some work

    // Transaction state will be lost here because 'firstTransaction' will have
    // already ended the transaction

Without instrumentation executing this code will cause 'firstTransaction' to be the active transaction in both firstJob and secondJob. This confounding of transactions is due to the scheduleJob method using setTimeout to queue the running of jobs. When the callback to setTimeout is called the transaction that was active when setTimeout was invoked will be restored. Since 'firstTransaction' is active when setTimeout is called, this is restored and firstJob is invoked, ending the transaction. When the queue gets around to executing secondJob the 'firstTransaction' has already been ended, and the current executing transaction will be null. If firstJob didn't end the transaction, the work done in secondJob would be incorrectly associated with 'firstTransaction'. Now that we have a test case we can start writing our instrumentation for the work queue. This behavior can be seen in the UI:

confounded transactions

The instrumentation will be relatively simple, we just need to call Shim#bindSegment on the jobs as they are passed in. The purpose of this instrumentation is to wrap the job in a function that will restore transaction context for the duration of the job's execution. Note this instrumentation will not handle timing the queue or the work executed by it, in order to do that we would use Shim#record. Enough with the prose, here is the instrumentation in its entirety:

var nr = require('newrelic')
  function onRequire(shim, jobQueue) {
      function wrapJob(shim, original){
        return function wrappedScheduleJob(job) {
          return, shim.bindSegment(job))

After executing the above code before calling require('jobQueue') we can tell the agent to instrument the module on require as so:

var nr = require('newrelic')

  function onRequire(shim, jobQueue) {
      function wrapJob(shim, original){
        return function wrappedScheduleJob(job) {
          return, shim.bindSegment(job))

var Queue = require('jobQueue')
var queue = new Queue()

nr.startBackgroundTransaction('firstTransaction', function first() {
  var transaction = nr.getTransaction()
  queue.scheduleJob(function firstJob() {
    // Do some work

nr.startBackgroundTransaction('secondTransaction', function second() {
  var transaction = nr.getTransaction()
  queue.scheduleJob(function secondJob() {
    // Do some work

    // Transaction state will be lost here because 'firstTransaction' will have
    // already ended the transaction

The correct instrumentation should be noticeable in the UI as now both transactions appear, and the timer used by the work queue appears as a segment in 'firstTransaction'

transaction breakdown


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